Moral Dilemma - Inspiration Worksheet
Morality is defined as: principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior. These are huge ideas, and while there are some universal ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ ways to act, there are certainly situations through which right and wrong are not so clear. Stealing is wrong, but if stealing is the only way to feed one’s family, it might not still be considered ‘wrong’ by many. That same situation from the character being stolen from is going to have a vastly different perspective. The moral dilemma does not only change within the mind of the person making the decision, but goes deeper when outside observers are making decisions about the action as well.
Moral dilemmas come down to worth. They mean that something is worth more than something else. Is a young life worth more than an old one? Is the will to explore worth more than interest in family and stability at home? If a choice is made that is better for many but hurts some, is that a moral choice?
choosing between 2 different family members
saving yourself (the character) or others in the scene)
changing the course of the world could mean you (your character) are never born, but will save many. What choice will you make?
a moral dilemma of your own choosing